Get Involved

Voice at all levels matter for a sustainable future. 

The idea that we have to be experts to say something is not accurate – you can have beliefs about what is correct and the directions we should go in and YOU CAN SPEAK OUT and TAKE ACTION.



Sign up to hear more about our programs! If have some interesting projects you want us to help you with, email us at

Volunteer opportunities

If you are interested in joining P.O.W.E.R.’s crew through volunteer opportunities learn more about current projects and how you can help!

Make a Donation

P.O.W.E.R. is a non-for-profit environmental organisation. All donations given would be appreciated and help fund projects to protect our environment.


Our crew us an array of eclectic and passionate volunteers across Halton Hills, working together to improve BioDiversity by TAKING ACTION!

There has been many different projects P.O.W.E.R. had worked on such as; tree planting, invasive species removal, road rallying, parades, and running various school programs!